I bet you all have been thinking I have dropped the fitting challenge. NO WAY! I have been at it since the last time I posted. I have taken photos, made more muslin's, sat and stared at my photos and......obsessively compulsively been working away at it. I have now tried something new, but I am not going to report on it yet just in case this doesn't work either.....but I am feeling hopeful.
So today I thought I would share with you some recent fabric purchases. I went to the Astratex's (formerly know as Artextile) 50% off summer sale. And these are my goodies....
A lovely pink pinstripe Pierre Cardin wool and my first ever silk jersey. Nice match huh? I was thinking skirt for the wool when I purchased it but maybe a nice jacket? A skirt is perhaps too predictable.
The left fabric is a nice linen blend, the next is a wool skirt length and the piece on the right is a Versace mixed blend I got for $10 a metre. They only had 1.6 left and now it is mine. Apparently there is a small fault, but nothing that can't be worked around. I'm thinking some nice pants!
I have also received my Amazon order which included this book that Carolyn recommended.

And I love it!! (Thanks Carolyn!) So you see I am very keen on getting fitting slopers so I can start playing around. My plan is to use this as a text book and work my way through it. What fun!
And I love it!! (Thanks Carolyn!) So you see I am very keen on getting fitting slopers so I can start playing around. My plan is to use this as a text book and work my way through it. What fun!
So many great new acquisitions!! You're like a kid in a candy store!
Bravo to you for sticking with the fitting - I have to admit I probably would have given up - I'm obviously a lot more impatient than you. After all this work though, you are going to have the best fitting clothes ever!
Those are some gorgeous fabrics. Yes, I think a jacket would be great for that pinstripe. Maybe as a treat for getting the bodice fitting done, since you've been working so hard. Wouldn't a great fitting jacket be a nice reward?
Lovely fabrics.
I'm admiring you for all the time you take to get the perfect fit. It will sure pay off in your future projects.
Vicki, I am glad you are still working on fitting your slopers and haven't given up :) You seem to have everything under control and it "will" work out.
I love the fabric you bought - especially the Pierre Cardin and the silk jersey. You will have to report on that project for sure. I agree a jacket - and top - combo would look wonderful :)
VIcki, you are tenacious! I share your fascination with the process.
Your new fabrics are so delicious and you'll be cooking up some fun with your new book. I ordered the Cynthia Guffey book about measurements. It's measuring madness! :)
I am glad to see that you have not giving up. I am also working on a fitting shell that I drafted my self and i have some fitting issues. I am taking a break to figure out what to do next.I started working on a blouse for my daughter, made a muslin and don't you know problems with the fit in the back. I review the bishop method of sewing (3 books) and i found valuable information, also i re-read the Zapp method of couture and found out that the measuremnets on the first muslin was not accurate, soooo I am back to square one. So stay the course
You got some really gorgeous pieces of fabric...and what's wrong with the skirt from the pink pinstripe wool with the coordinating tee ~ especially since you always think of something wonderful to do to the tee to make it original?!
I'm glad that you like the book!
I have that book and I love it too!
Believe me or not, the last time I had silk jersey in my hands the price tag indicated 150 euros per meter! I hope you got a better deal!
lovely fabrics Vicki.
I'm so impressed with your fitting adventures. Love the documentation you've been putting up.
I adore the Cardin wool and the silk jersey!! And you truly deserved a break and a splurge after all the fitting! Now go and hold it, stroke it, smell it, cradle it... and then get back to work :-)
Oh I am incredibly jealous of your beautiful fabric purchases. Do you know if they do mail order?
You have the patience of a Saint! I tried making my own moulage and sloper...and gave up completely! But with my barely-size-22 shoulders and almost-size-32 hips, there is no other way for me to make clothes for myself. Trying to adjustj commercial patterns was so discouraging I almost quit sewing! Blocks and then my own patterns is the only way to go.
I found a local seamstress and I'm paying her to do the bodice and sleeve blocks for me. I've gone to my final fitting for the moulage and it fits just like it should - even with all my curves. I pick up my sloper in the next couple of weeks. Once that is done, I can go about teaching myself to draft my own patterns. I can't wait to have clothes that fit my body well.
I look forward to seeing your progress with the pattern drafting! I'll be rooting for ya!
ok, I'm dying to know how the saran wrap thing went.
oooh, I'm drooling over the Cardin pinstripe wool. mmmmh, the silk jersey looks great too. What a score!!!
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